On August 24 Litter Q turned 1 month old! They are curious, adventurous and extremely cute.

Boy #1 is a very cuddly kitten who loves people, and is very gentle.
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Boy #2 is curious, playful, and loves playing with us and his siblings.
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Boy #3 is very observant and loves exploring and finding out about new things.
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Girl #1 is a kind girl, and she really loves people, and getting petted.
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Girl #2 loves her brothers and sisters and often grooms them and takes care of them.
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Girl #3 is a very smart kitten. She prefers to think before she acts.
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On the 28th of July, Cerera gave birth to 3 little girls! One of them is a Golden Mackerel Tabby, the second one is Black Marble Tabby, and the third one is a Black Mackerel Tabby.
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On August 2nd, Hvoya’s cute little kitten turned 1 month old! She is very cuddly, loves to be petted, and even helps look after the other little kittens. She can often be found sleeping with the other little kittens, and grooming them.
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