LITTER "Y" 2017
On the 10th of January, Marmeladka gave birth to Litter Y. There is one beautiful girl and four gorgeous boys. All of them are reserved.
Boy #1 is Black Golden Marble Tabby. He is a kind explorer. He enjoys sniffing around everywhere, but is always ready for a belly rub! He is reserved for Sofia and Jeremy, Montreal, QC.
Boy #2 is Black Golden Marble Tabby. He is a gorgeous kitten who loves to play, but loves cuddling too! He is reserved for Sherry and Pascal, Embrun, ON.
Boy #3 is Black Golden Marble Tabby. He is a prankster. He is playful and very sweet. He is reserved for Laura and Jacqulyn, Brockville, ON.
Yukio-Yevgeny Lavalier (Boy #4). We cannot believe that Marmeladka gave us a blue-golden coloured kitten! This is a rare colour, especially with the marble pattern! He is reserved for Colin, Crystal and Lauren, Peterborough, ON.
Yuna Lavalier (The Girl) is the only girl of her litter, and is our intelligent princess. While her brothers are playing, she is always the first in line for both love and food! She is reserved for Sebastien and Julie, Ottawa, On.